Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Birmingham the 7th saddest city in America?

According to an unscientific survey in Men's Health Magazine Birmingham, Alabama is the 7th saddest city in America with only 1. Petersburg, FL, 2. Detroit, MI, 3. Memphis, TN, 4. Tampa, FL, 5. Louisville, KY, and 6. St. Louis, MO being more sad.

All this being based on each cities' suicide rates, unemployment rates, a percentage of households that use antidepressants and number of people who report feeling the blue all or even most of the time.

There's a “Blues” index somewhere? Where does one go for information like that, and how do they arrive at a number? Count the number of Muddy Waters CDs sold and divide by PI times the number of earth tone clothes sold?


Hey....look around, we're just aware baby!

Fargo, Omaha and Sioux Falls are just fooling themselves!

Sad Cities

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Construction Has Started

Well, the much delayed new construction on 29th street and 7th Ave. South is indeed underway, got a crane and everything.

And that little `frozen in time’ building (see photos below) that sat there on 29 – 7 for so long is now gone, it use to stand in the space found at the bottom left of the picture above.

So it looks like the “feng shway” of the neighborhood will indeed be getting a major overhaul in the next seven or eight months.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Indeed it has started.

It looks like the long delayed construction is indeed about to start on 7th ave. South.

Even that little frozen in time building, the one to the left of the shot there which I have other photos of on here, has been thawed out.

Seems I just did get my pictures of it just a step and a half before it disappears.